Annual Reports
Our reports are summaries of all the One Life Aid Foundation activities in a given year. You will find details on how we impact lives in different communities. One Life Aid Foundation is committed to operating with transparency and sharing the meaningful impact of our work with supporters and the public.
Annual Report 2018

Hygiene was the vital thing we focused on this year. We examined menstruation and menstrual hygiene management among girls in basic schools and poor communities. We educated girls in the rural communities who had extremely limited information about why they menstruate and how to manage menstrual flows hygienically and safely.
Annual Report 2017

This year we decided to give more attention on education and schools. We believe that in giving such attention to schools as a whole but not only the kids, teaching and learning will be enhanced and it will eventually show in their outputs. Teachers will at least be motivated as their work becomes a bit easier for them and the children being given what they need for sound studies.
Annual Report 2016

This year was the beginning of our journey to provide help to the poorest of the poor in Ghana. We started by providing the residents of Osabene/Kentenkren community in the Eastern region of Ghana with a free health screening, counselling and treatment, donations of clothing, toiletries, groceries etc.